Friday, October 8, 2010

Sincere Christians Must Put and End to This Confusion

The passages in the Gospel about the oneness of Allah are explicit. Our Almighty Lord reveals in the Gospel, as in the Qur’an and the Torah, that He is the One and Only Lord. Again in the Gospel it is explicitly stated that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was only a servant and that he had human characteristics, that he ate, slept, felt tired and rested, prayed to Allah. THE ERROR OF THE TRINITY, which various forces deliberately added on to Christianity at a later date, IS UNACCEPTABLE TO ALL THREE DIVINE RELIGIONS. All sincere Christians capable of properly appreciating Almighty Allah and of correctly understanding the essence of the Gospel and its message can clearly see that the belief in the trinity is a grave error, that is a most dishonest account of the true situation and that our Almighty Lord is unfettered by any such description.
Because of this insincere outlook, the simple, accessible, clear and immaculate faith that Allah created has been made confused and incomprehensible. Instead of direct worship of Allah, various supposed intermediaries and saviors that allegedly establish contact with Allah have been produced through the belief in the trinity. Because of these confused and incomprehensible accounts at the basis of the trinity error, the Christians in question espouse the existence of an Allah Who is incomprehensible and ineffable (surely Allah is beyond that) but fail to understand the kind of Creator they worship and are unable to produce any satisfactory explanations. They claim to believe in One Allah, but they actually adopt three deities by way of forced interpretations (surely Allah is beyond that). But even these forced accounts and interpretations are sufficient to show how wrong the idea of the trinity is.
Almighty Allah never created such a confused and impenetrable faith. That is not what Allah wants from those with unsullied faith. To use intermediaries to establish contact with Allah, to maintain that contact with Allah cannot be established so long as the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is not its instrument and to seek to portray Allah as having weaknesses (surely Allah is beyond that) ARE ALL EQUIVALENT TO DENYING ALLAH. This is not the religious understanding Allah desires for His servants. True Christians must be very careful over this matter.

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